• 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com

  •    天津市尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com环保科技有限公司是一家从事废旧物资回收利用的企业 。我公司在惠州设立了惠佰顺环保科技有限公司,在重庆设立了渝佰顺环保科技有限公司,在四川设立了川佰顺环保科技有限公司。历经多年的专业经营,公司培养和锻炼出一支技术力量过硬的专业回收利用有色金属的技术业务队伍。随着改革政策的进一步深化和国家对废旧有色金属经营的开放 ,我公司内部也进行了多种经营的改革尝试。通过不断的改革逐步完善公司的经营机制和提升服务标准 ,以满足各种不同行业不断提升的服务要求和监管机构对环境的严格标准。在多年的生产经营中,我公司一贯秉承变废为宝,保护环境的经营宗旨 。尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com的奋斗目标是:为有限的资源再循环利用与可持续发展,尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com愿用尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com勤劳的双手营造一片湛蓝的天空而努力。

       Tianjin Jinbaishun Environmental Technology Co., Ltd is a waste material recycling company, cultivated and trained strongly technical talents to recycle nonferrous metals professionally. With the continuous reform and state’s opening-up of the nonferrous metals’ operation, our company tried to operate a variety of internal reform attempt. According to constant reform, we gradually improve our operating mechanism and enhance our service standards, which meet the increasing requirements of various industry and strict environmental standards established by environmental regulators. In years of business operation, we are always been adhering to our enterprise philosophy of “Trash to treasure, Protecting environment”. Our objective of a struggle is: we are willing to use our hard-working hands, for the limited resource recycling and sustainable development to create a clear blue sky.

       现我公司乘着国家“十二五”规划的改革春风,再次抓住契机并着手加大对环保技术及环保设备的研发 ,为公司的品牌和市场竞争力的提升做着积极的准备工作 。在各界领导的支持下,公司在变革的过程中得到了不断的发展。此外 ,天津市尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com环保科技有限公司的全体员工更是秉承国际质量标准ISO14001的要求 ,严格作好废旧物资的分类 ,将分类后的废旧物资通过专业的设备进行加工,然后销售。多年来,由于我公司坚持“环保、健康 、安全、守法”经营理念,扎实作好经营工作,连续两年被评为天津市供销社系统(局级)先进基层单位 ,同时也多次得到各级领导同志的好评 。

       Riding on the spring breeze of reform and state "twelve- five" planning, we are focus on green technology and environmental protection equipment’s research and development, and prepare actively to elevate our brand value and market competitiveness. Under the fully support of the government of all levels, we continued to develop in the process of reform. In addition, according to International quality standard ISO14001, all our employees strictly classify waste materials, process it by professional equipment and then sell it. Because we adhere to our management concept “Environmental protection, Health, Safety, Law-abiding” and operate solidly for years, we are awarded “Advance Grass-roots Unit” by Tianjin SCM system for consecutively 2 years and gain praise from leading comrades at all levels.

    天津市尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com环保科技有限公司 津ICP备19009504号-1

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